Ripples dance over the water surface distorting the boulders below at Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe

Underwater Boulders At Sand Harbor

I felt like a kid again while climbing all around the large boulders that makes up the unique landscape of Sand Harbor. I noticed the shapes of large boulders underwater that were distorted by the ripples on the waters surface. I climbed to the highest point I could find to get an angle where I was shooting nearly straight down. This eliminated any unwanted reflections so that I could capture these abstract images.

Prints are available on my FineArtAmerica store.

Ripples across the water distort the rocks below the surface at Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe Ripples dance over the water surface distorting the boulders below at Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe boulders underwater at Sand Harbor

Check out another Lake Tahoe post titled Snow Covered Forest.