
  • Tropical Storm

    The days following hurricane Iselle have made for some beautiful sunsets. Long stretches of low lying clouds with amazing formations that the light paints a surprising random pattern of color across the sky. It was the next night after the hurricane first hit land and quickly turned into a tropical storm that I ventured out to enjoy the sunset. My first thought was to go to Kohanaiki, with the white coral sand against the deep blues and purples would make for a pleasing shot, but the gates were still closed. Instead, a few miles down the road, Wawaloli beach park. There is one spot that is always crowded, but was left empty due to the storm. A small stretch of black sand that leads to another stretch of large rounded boulders. I have been wanting to revisit this spot for some time.

    My shots began on the smooth sand, but I eventually found myself clumsily making my way over the slippery boulders. Careful to setup in a location where I wouldn’t get too drenched by unsuspecting, unpredictable waves, I setup to capture both the water movement and clouds in one frame. This shot I feel I captured to moment. With the slow shutter, the incoming waves smoothed out and caressed the dark boulders in a milky white while the stormy clouds are decorated by the colors of the setting sun.

    © Christopher Johnson

  • Underwater Boulders At Sand Harbor

    I felt like a kid again while climbing all around the large boulders that makes up the unique landscape of Sand Harbor. I noticed the shapes of large boulders underwater that were distorted by the ripples on the waters surface. I climbed to the highest point I could find to get an angle where I was shooting nearly straight down. This eliminated any unwanted reflections so that I could capture these abstract images.

    Prints are available on my FineArtAmerica store.

    Ripples across the water distort the rocks below the surface at Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe Ripples dance over the water surface distorting the boulders below at Sand Harbor, Lake Tahoe boulders underwater at Sand Harbor

    Check out another Lake Tahoe post titled Snow Covered Forest.