Large school of fish in the beautiful turquoise waters of Kiholo Bay

Kiholo Bait Ball

Large bait ball in the turquoise waters of Kiholo seen from the sky.

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This was the most unusual sight that caught me off guard. I went down to Kiholo with some friends to photograph them with the drone for their Christmas card. After the shoot I wanted to fly around for some straight down aerial shots when I saw this dark ball in the middle of the turquoise water. Since this was the first time I shot any aerial photos of Kiholo I thought this was a rock formation, but I had never seen this shape before and couldn’t remember seeing this in any other images shot by other photographers. I proceeded to photograph several compositions of the large dot in the water and after reviewing the images I saw the dot changed shapes, which could only mean a large school of fish.

Large school of fish in the beautiful turquoise waters of Kiholo Bay

Check out otherĀ Kiholo Bay Aerial


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